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Overcoming Fear

Fear is anxiety. I’d like to share my own experience overcoming one of my favourite fears. Spiders.

How I overcame my fear of spiders?

I got married and had children. No more excuses, I was on spider patrol.

In the past, when I’d encounter a spider or a centipede, I had a tendency to freeze for a second. My first instinct was to grab a tissue and snatch it, usually killing it in the process.

How do you feel when you see a spider?

For many, their world may feel like it’s caving in.

Arachnophobia affects 3-6% of the global population.

480 million people.

You never walk alone.

Now, what do I do when I see a spider?

I still freeze. But it’s different now.

Since my son has born, I’ve changed my approach whenever I face off with these tiny beasts.

Every time I encounter one, we have two choices. Offence or Defence.

Offence? We act out of fear. We are quick to strike. Grab the tissue and make it quick.

Defence? We slow down. We observe.

The decision?

Catch and release. My weapon of choice – a recycled 2oz bottle of jam.

Before the release, I give the jar to my son. His eyes light up with curiosity and wonder.

Take an interest in your fears. Upon closer examination, you may discover something magnificent.

Study the spider, and you’ll soon learn one of life’s secrets.

No matter what you fear – spiders, failing grades, public speaking, disappointing your peers, your work – you can find the courage to face the fear. Step back, find stillness and the fear will pass.

Take a moment. Take a breath. The courage you need is within you.

It’s okay to feel fear. Courage is simply doing what you have to do, despite the fear.

Thanks for reading my story. I hope you can conquer your own fears.

Much love and good luck.


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